Friday, July 8, 2011

A Simple Introduction

I should have never gone on Twitter.

How many athletes and celebrities have started their morning with that thought? I say this with my tongue firmly in cheek. I like Twitter. I credit Rob Levin with my introduction to social networking. After ignoring Myspace(personally, that is. I have several bands on Myspace), Face book and my own blog for some time, Twitter finally got to me. Rob started a fake Twitter account where he’d practice quips and unleash them on our mutual friends in my name. The result was a few snickers at gatherings and people thinking I’m much more clever and whimsical than I am.

Eventually the account got too big for its own good and I took it over, further confusing those who were in on the joke. I post in fits and spurts; such is my relationship with the internet. I’ve reached my limit on meaningless blurbs of 140 characters or less. Well, not really. However it is time to balance out this interaction with an honest thought or two. Hence, this blog.

I can’t promise any consistency of subject matter, updates or format. I can promise honesty. Through right and wrong, these will be my honest opinions and anecdotes. I’ll do my best to find a balance between candor and sensitivity. When I fail, take my word that I don’t intend to be restrained or callous.

I’m not advertising this blog anywhere yet, so for the few that read it, I hope your time was well spent.
